Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So let it be said, that as much as people make fun of Canadians, their airline rocks. The people are friendly, the seats are comfortable, even the food is pretty decent. Here's what is annoying though: everything they say in English, they also have to say in French. And it's not that I don't like French or anything - it's just that after already having it interrupt my movie to tell me something I already know because I've been on an airplane at least one time before, they then have to do it in a language that sounds like pretty gibberish. Whatever, I guess. Maybe I'm picking fights with Canada for no reason other than I'm jealous of their flannel.

I watched a movie on the plane called The Art of the Steal. It's a documentary about the Barnes art collection, which housed the greatest personal collection of Post Impressionist art in the world, which was then consumed by greedy politicians in Philadelphia. It's hard, as an artist, to watch someone's dream (in this case to have the collection remain in it's original location with the intention of using the art to teach) be commercialized or ripped apart by people who cannot see the more specific picture. It reaffirmed how much I love doing theater and the reasons for me doing it.

Well I met Ellen in the airport after waiting around in baggage for 3 hours. That's a long time to be staring at luggage. She isn't feeling well so we looked into Metrogate House (the main place where all the classrooms are) and they let us into our rooms a day early. So she's napping and I'm typing and hopefully when she's feeling better we'll go out and see some of the sights. I'm hoping for a little West End action. And you can take that any way you want.

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