Saturday, June 26, 2010

Plays for days

Well I have seen a few more shows since the last time I posted.

The first was called Ditch. When Josh told us we were seeing it all we knew was that it was in a tunnel system underneath Waterloo train station. Well it certainly was underground. We walked through Waterloo station to the outside and down and around under a bridge to find a door with a line coming out of it. Upon entering, we found a series of tableaus: crates with potatoes, a tree broken into several parts, a small deer with its shadow projected into the background, and a bar area with old furniture entitled the Bunker. The space where the play was taking place had a circular dirt area in the middle surrounded by a small moat. Coming into the space from offstage was a large table and in the back there were two towers, with two exits relatively close behind them. The play was about a dystopian post-apocalyptic England in which citizens were required to register on a list, and the Security kept "track" of those who didn't register. The play followed a small outpost of the Security with six people living in it, and their time together. The design as a whole was beautiful; trains even passed overhead during the show to enhance the idea of living underground (although we discussed in class later that them living underground was actually debatable). The script itself was very weak, unfortunately, which did not match up with the quality of the production as a whole. But this happens a lot.

The next night we saw a play entitled The 39 Steps. It is a theatrical version of the Alfred Hitchcock movie of the same name. Four actors (3 men and 1 woman) play about 100 parts, and turn the thriller into a comedic romp. They even used the exact same dialogue from the film, which is especially hilarious. The commitment from the actors was wonderful to watch, as some had to switch in the middle of the scene to be different roles. I laughed nonstop.

Tonight I think I'm going to see a play about gay cannibals. It's not for class, though. Perhaps more personal research..........?????

hehehe. No but really, I think I'm going to see a play about gay cannibals.

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