Monday night I went to Chinatown with some new friends. It's a small Chinatown, about 2 blocks long and one block down, so they don't have a ton to offer, but the food is good. They also have dim sum everyday until 5 (which I was very surprised to learn) so I'll be heading back there multiple times, on that you can bet.
Yesterday was a wonderful day. After class, the group of us went over to the Temple Church, where the Knights Templar headquarters were located. The church itself was constructed in the 1100s, with some people in there buried shortly after that century began. To think, that people have been interned in the church over 900 years is phenomenal.
We finally headed over to the Globe Theater, Shakespeare's theater, where we saw a splendid production of Macbeth. Inspired by Dante's Inferno, the area on the ground where people stand had a black tarp spread over it with holes cut in it for peoples' heads to represent the final circle of hell. It was extremely bloody and gory, a plus in my mind to spice up Shakespeare.
Now I'm going to post some pictures because I haven't done that yet:

the pictures are def a good add to the page and its funny that all your friends are starting one too! sopkinize london for us!